A J Fernandez

Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez cigar legacy, AJ Fernandez produces unparalleled premium cigars in Estelí, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez Cigars de Nicaragua, are managed under the watchful eye of AJ himself. Through a fusion of inherited technique and learned patience, Fernandez filler tobaccos are grown from prized seeds which are proprietary only to the Fernandez family. Perhaps the most essential quality of the AJ Fernandez line of cigars is the perspective and motivation of AJ, as well as the history of the Fernandez family.

“My Grandfather first started growing tobacco in pre-Castro Cuba, in our hometown of San Luis. I was taught the importance of patience and time-honoured methods when working with premium tobacco and have been blessed to have been given many of Cuba’s most coveted cigar making secrets. The key to my success is an uncompromising commitment to that tradition. My company is dedicated to the memory of my Grandfather Andres Fernandez and my father Ismael Fernandez.
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