Chris Askwith
Chris is one of the countries youngest and most talented pipe carvers. The story begins back in 2007 when Chris turned his skills from Silversmithing and other hobbies into restoring estate pipes. Ultimately he met Paul Hubartt of Larrysson Pipes at the South West pipe club and his journey into pipe making began.
Askwith pipes are made using traditional materials such as Briar and Olive woods, but in a quest for new materials Chris started using Morta and Strawberry woods. Chris is the only pipe maker who uses Morta which is 10,000 year old part fossilised Bog Oak and the finished result is something spectacular and unique.
During the 2012 British Pipe Smoking Championships we had the pleasure of meeting Chris and now are proud to carry his pipes.
Askwith pipes are made using traditional materials such as Briar and Olive woods, but in a quest for new materials Chris started using Morta and Strawberry woods. Chris is the only pipe maker who uses Morta which is 10,000 year old part fossilised Bog Oak and the finished result is something spectacular and unique.
During the 2012 British Pipe Smoking Championships we had the pleasure of meeting Chris and now are proud to carry his pipes.
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